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Dear Partners and Sponsors:


  Thank you for taking the time to read and review our letter. G.R.A.B, Inc. is a 501 ©3 non-profit organization for girls and young women. The girls and young ladies we serve are labeled as “At Risk and Truant”; girls who have been abused and left traumatized by their experiences; thus leading them to a life of mischievous and promiscuous behaviors. Our goal is to remove the “At Risk/Truant” label that society has placed on them, by helping them to move forward from being a statistic to success stories. G.R.A.B, Inc.’s mission is to keep our girls off the streets and help them to develop into successful young women and productive citizens. To meet our organization mission and goals, our future plan is to build Safe Havens and Shelters for girls, young women and their children.

Thru our programs and the services we provide, we have seen girls transform from being statistics to success stories. We meet with girls monthly and annually at our "Girl Talk...For Real"!  These conferences includes a dance concert featuring D’Clare Dance and Performing Arts and VIP guest motivational speakers who share their struggles to success stories with the girls. Our goal is that these young ladies will be empowered and motivated to strive for academic success that will open doors for them that will help make their dreams come true. Many individuals, community leaders, churches, and businesses partner with us as covenant partners/sponsors and/or vendors to make our programs, services and conferences successful.

We need your help to continue helping under privilege and at risk girls in our community. Your sponsorship/seed donation will help us reach our goals. Become a covenant partner/sponsor today and help us inspire our young ladies to overcome their struggles and reach for success. Your help will help us meet our organization’s goal to decrease the risk of young ladies being involved in mischievous and promiscuous activities that may lead to teen pregnancy, contracting an STD, and violence. Together, we can do it!

Join us today and be a part of the great work we are doing. Click on the package that best fits you and for complete covenant partner/sponsorship benefits today. On behalf of the girls we serve, thank you for your gift and support.​

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